

food porn for all ages





food porn for all ages

were my mother’s favorite dessert. I grew up listening to the story about how she would go to the small bakery by her high school every day after school to eat with her friends. In several occasions she told me that she wouldn’t mind being hungry all day so that she would have enough money to spend on profiteroles .
Like I said, I never understood how one would love something so much knowing that it is not good for you. I guess I couldn’t because I have a different personality. However, I am changed. This experience taught me to respect others decisions about their lives.
Today, I know that life is and should be all about those moments that we are happy. At the end of the day, happy moments are all we can take with us when we die. At least, that is my hope
So I decided to make this mother’s day a day for me to celebrate those happy moments that I had with my mother when we made and ate together. I am a very lucky daughter for having such a wonderful mother, who not only thought me how to cook but also how to enjoy eating.

As complicated as they may look, these are so easy and quick to make. After making the dough (pate au choux) all you have to do is bake it for 18-20 minutes. Once baked, cut each ball in half, place a scoop of your favorite ice cream (I love my homemade vanilla ice cream) in the middle, and drizzle it with a quick chocolate sauce. I love some chopped pistachios on top for some color and crunch, but it is totally optional .
Here, I even made a video of how it looks, which I would like to call “food porn for all ages.”



No Name Ninja