

I never understood her





I never understood her

I am still trying to figure out what I should do or how I should feel on mother’s day. What happens to those who do not have a mother on mother’s day?
It is hard to watch the mother’s day related commercials or to read e-mails asking me what I am planning to get for my mother. I know it is all marketing to sell their products, but it feels like salt on my wound .
Loosing someone you love gives you a different perspective in life. In time, you learn to deal with the pain and realize things will never be the same. More than anything, you grow up. At least that is what happened (or is still happening) to me .

I feel like I am not the person that I used to be. Just to give you an example, I used to feel so angry when my mother ate desserts. She was a diabetic and was supposed to be very careful with her sugar consumption. She loved sweets and couldn’t care less. She would tell me that if she is going to die from eating what she loved, so be it.
I never understood her. At least at the time…
Today when I look back, I am glad she ate all the sweets she wanted. It made her happy, and now for me, it feels good to know that she was happy .



No Name Ninja