

Arnold Palmers are his thing





Arnold Palmers are his thing

I think it should be mandatory that every summer day have a good drink !

Boozy or not, totally up to you, but a hot, sun filled day needs an ice-cold drink.

PLUS, this drink would be awesome while eating this BLT, from yesterday’s post. The two just go hand in hand if you ask me AND I could not think of a better mid-late July Tuesday meal…

Also, mid-late July? How the heck did that happen. Like NO… summer stop going so fast!

August is approaching at a frightening speed – YIKES. The good, good, good news is that with August, all the summer produce will really be in its prime.

Which really means PEACHES!! All the peaches, all the time! Yes!

I have been waiting to make this Arnold palmer all summer long. It just felt so much like a July recipe that I couldn’t post it in June when I originally thought of it. This recipe just screams July, AKA – the dog days of summer !!

So another one of my random ramblings here, I took a little break from typing just now, because you know, I can’t focus for more than like 5 minutes before my mind moves on to something else (issues….I got um). So I took a break to read some mail and I am so happy I did. Normally my mail is all junk – taxes, bills and things that I really have not a clue what to do with, since that part of adulthood just has not been comprehended by my brain yet…help.

BUT, the good mail came from my oldest brother Creighton. He sent me the sweetest letter thanking me for making the trek to Cleveland for his birthday (photo at the end of post!). Honestly, I didn’t even know he liked me that much, but guys, after reading his letter, I feel like a pretty special and loved sister, I mean, jeez, know how to make a girl smile or what?!?

But this grilled peach and basil Arnold Palmer, which I do think would receive the Creighton stamp of approval, is so refreshing and delicious. Actually, I think all my brothers would highly approve of this drink (if they were here, they are kind of all over the country right now). I could see Creighton especially enjoying this drink while floating the river on a hot sunny day, most likely with a pretty good dose of bourbon. But really, Arnold Palmers are his thing. He may not technically be southern, but he loves all southern things. i.e sweet, tea, cornbread, fried chicken, gravy and biscuits. Although, I do not actually know if he likes peaches (I know, what?!?!), either way he’d still be all over this (I might just have to call it an Arnold Palmer and leave it at that though).

This tea is the simplest thing to make and it’s kind of perfect in every which way. I love the balance of tea and lemonade and those sweet peaches give the bestest flavor. I grilled them to really bring out all of their sweetness and taste. Then I paired them with just a little basil for an extra kick of summer flavor. I also used honey to sweeten this because I prefer it to sugar. Plus, in my mind, honey is a healthy ingredient, so that makes this a healthy and refreshing drink.


Oh and about the bourbon thing, you can take it or leave it, but all I am saying is that if your Tuesday is lagging, go for it.



No Name Ninja